My Star Wars Story

Adam Bray’s blog and appearance schedule as well as select books can be found a t You can interact with Adam on Twitter @AuthorAdamBray. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. Go to and consider a membership.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: MSWS_Adam_BRay_Mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:57pm EST