My Star Wars Story

Devon Meyers can be found on Twitter at Red5Mom. Her blog is located at Portions of the discussion that were not directly relevant to Devon’s Star Wars Story were removed from the podcast. Some of these segments can be found as bonus material after the credits. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. Because of some delays the last couple of months, look for some special bonus material to be released before the next episode, among the bonus material is my summary of the original Marvel Star Wars in Five Minutes, and a conversation with Laurie Goode, the Stormtrooper who hit his head. And don’t forget to join us for the next episode of My Star Wars Story, which will feature Mark Newbold.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. I’ve set up a page for donations at Please give what you can.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_devon_meyers_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:15pm EST