Sun, 31 January 2016
Paul Hermann appears on both The Forcecast and Star Wars With Friends. He can be found on twitter @Hermann22.
Some elements of the conversation with Paul Hermann were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.
To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store. It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Jason Collier will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars. Special thanks to Ryan Shaw. Also, I've been doing this podcast completely at my own expense for a year and a half now, and I've decided I want something for it. No, I don't want money. The best I'll get is a t-shirt. See, I've decided I want to be a Rancho Recruiter! All you have to do is go to and become a supporter, mentioning that Scott Ryfun referred you. It's only $40 a year, and you get exclusive access to tour tickets at Ranch Obi-Wan, as well as exclusive merchandise, not to mention a super-cool membership kit and a creative Christmas card! Your contribution will go towards maintaining the world's largest Star Wars collection and the museum that houses it. You also help cover the expense of providing free tours to schools and other special groups, plus you'll help fund charitable tour giveaways and auction items. Plus, you'll be helping preserve a record of one of the most transformative pop culture phenomena ever. And did I mention it's tax deductible? It sure is! Look, I'm not asking you to do anything I haven't done myself. Please go and become a member of Rancho Obi-Wan today by going to and registering. And if you don't want me to get the t-shirt, that's fine. Please become a member anyway. You won't regret it.
Scott |
Sat, 16 January 2016
Well, we thought we'd be the first to do it, but it didn't work out that way. Steve Glosson and Scott Ryfun have put together the internet's SECOND Force Awakens commentary track. It's fun, it's funny, it's insightful. Enjoy! Take it with you to the theater listen in your earbuds!
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