My Star Wars Story

In addition to being Access Hollywood's Ultimate Star Wars Fan, Jason Collier is the host of the Expanded Fandomverse Podcast as well the the Star Wars Radio Drama Retrospective (on which I appear as a regular). You can find out more about both of these podcasts at .

Some elements of the conversation with Jason Collier were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


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Also, I've never monetized this podcast, nor do I intend to, but if you want to do me a favor, you'll join Rancho Obi-Wan. It costs just forty cash-deductible dollars per year and you get a slew of benefits with that, plus an annual membership kit and first dibs on Rancho tours. When you purchase your membership, mention me, Scott Ryfun, as the one who referred you. If enough of you join and mention me, I'll become a Rancho Recruiter. The benefits? Pretty much a t-shirt and the title of Recruiter, but I'd really like to do that. And you will benefit from it as well. Head over to to join.



Direct download: msws_jason_collier_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:49pm EST