Mon, 30 July 2018
Get ready for this one. We have a genuine world traveler on our hands. And he ends up encountering just about everyone who's anyone in this episode.
Steve Bennett recently started a YouTube channel under his former gamer handle Otto Puddingsbane. There you can find videos and slideshows of his trips to filming locations, including a jaunt to the Galen Erso farm in Iceland he undertook shortly after recording this episode. To tell your Star Wars Story, send an email to, and please be patient. I'm very busy and and still recovering from some major data loss. I don't monetize this podcast, but as always, if you feel moved to make a contribution, please use it to join Rancho Obi-Wan, the largest repository of Star Wars Stories in the Galaxy... Visit to begin your tax-deductible membership. Special thanks to Ryan Shaw. Follow us on Twitter: @mystarwarsstory Like us on Facebook: mystarwarsstory Thank you for listening and thank you for being a part of My Star Wars Story. |