My Star Wars Story











February 2025
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Adam Bray’s blog and appearance schedule as well as select books can be found a t You can interact with Adam on Twitter @AuthorAdamBray. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. Go to and consider a membership.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: MSWS_Adam_BRay_Mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Well, they failed when they tried to comment on The Last Jedi, but they're back now and bring you a commentary on the latest, the final, chapter in the Skywalker Saga. Join Scott @ryfun, @SteveGlosson, and @Shazbazzar as they gush their way through The Rise of Skywalker!

Direct download: TROS_Commentary_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:09am EST

This time around, you get not one but TWO Star Wars stories as we speak with Sarah and Richard Woloski. 

Sarah and Richard Woloski are the hosts of Skywalking through Neverland on their own SkyNet, the Skywalking Through neveland Network. You can find them on Instagram and twitter at sjywalking pod, and on facebook at Skywalking through neverland,. You can contact them via email at share@skywalking


If you’d like to tell your Star Wars story, please contact send an email to, and please be patient with me. This is a podcast that take a long time to produce and I have a lot of other responsibilities.

IF you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably interested in preserving Star Wars history. Please take a moment to join Rancho Obi Wan by going to and clicking the donate button.

Special thanks to Ryan Shaw.

Please take time to leave a review for us in the tunes store. It will help people find the podcast. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story. We look forward to bringing you the next episode soon.

Direct download: MSWS_Woloskis_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10pm EST

Get ready for this one. We have a genuine world traveler on our hands.  And he ends up encountering just about everyone who's anyone in this episode.


Steve Bennett recently started a YouTube channel under his former gamer handle Otto Puddingsbane. There you can find videos and slideshows of his trips to filming locations, including a jaunt to the Galen Erso farm in Iceland he undertook shortly after recording this episode.

To tell your Star Wars Story, send an email to, and please be patient. I'm very busy and and still recovering from some major data loss.

I don't monetize this podcast, but as always, if you feel moved to make a contribution, please use it to join Rancho Obi-Wan, the largest repository of Star Wars Stories in the Galaxy... Visit to begin your tax-deductible membership.

Special thanks to Ryan Shaw.

Follow us on Twitter: @mystarwarsstory

Like us on Facebook: mystarwarsstory

Thank you for listening and thank you for being a part of My Star Wars Story.

Direct download: MSWS_Steve_Bennett_Final_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:07pm EST

Join the Ritz Radio Theatre live from Brunswick Georgia as a cast of local actors perform the classic It's a Wonderful Life!

Recorded live at the Ritz Theatre, Brunswick, GA 12-16-17

Direct download: WL12.16.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:14am EST

You've been waiting approximately forever for this one and it's well worth the wait! I let the conversation flow much more conversationally this time around because I thought David's story benefited from it. Things that might ordinarily become bonus material really ARE a part of his Star Wars Story. It's massively-entertaining, it's occasionally emotional. Ladies and gentlemen, this is part one of David Collins's Star Wars Story.

David Collins is a voice actor, composer, music editor and host. He’s done voice work for both The Force Awakens and Rogue One as well as being a stage host for Star Wars Celebration. You can find him on Twitter @davidwcollins. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. Go to Rancho Obi Wan .org and become a member today.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.


Direct download: MSWS_David_Collins_Part_I_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:13am EST

I knew I wouldn't be able to get David W. Collins Part 1 finished in time for the big anniversary today, so I gathered some friends who I know went to see Star Wars in 1977, and we went to dinner and swapped tales. Though we're friends now, we didn't know each other back then, so the stories were fun and new for each of us.

Beware: Formats were made to be broken and we're breaking it this episode. Ryan Shaw, the guest from Episode 1 of MSWS, was raised in Miami and had a big city experience seeing Star Wars for the first time.


Thomas Merritt, who will be featured on a future episode of MSWS, saw Star Wars the second week it was in our home town of Brunswick and you won't BELIEVE what happened!


I, Scott Ryfun (the guest on MSWS Episode 100), was a Star Wars fan before I ever even saw it by virtue of the fact that my brother had brought home a book about it from school. But when I saw it for the first time... Hoo boy.


This episode was recorded at Certified Burgers and Beverage on St. Simons Island.

Direct download: MSWS_Our_first_time.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

Amy H. Sturgis ( earned her Ph.D. in Intellectual History from Vanderbilt University, teaches Liberal Studies at Lenoir-Rhyne University, and specializes in Science Fiction/Fantasy and Indigenous American Studies. She is one of the staff members behind the Hugo Award-winning StarShipSofa podcast ( and the Editor in Chief of Hocus Pocus Comics ( The author of four books and over fifty articles, and the editor of six books, Sturgis is a regular speaker at colleges and genre conventions across the United States, Canada, and England. In 2006, she was honored with the Imperishable Flame Award for J.R.R. Tolkien Scholarship, and in 2015, she was honored by the Los Angeles Press Club for "Best Magazine Review/Criticism/Column" for her Reason article "Not Your Parents' Dystopias: Millennial Fondness for Worlds Gone Wrong." A first-generation Star Wars fan, Sturgis lives with her husband in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. More about Dr. Amy H. Sturgis can be found at her website:


Portions of the discussion that were not directly relevant to Amy’s Star Wars Story were removed from the podcast. Some of these segments will be found packaged into a bonus episode coming soon. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. Don’t forget to join us for the next episode of My Star Wars Story, which will feature part one of David W. Collins's Star Wars Story.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. Go to and give what you can. Remember, it is tax deductible.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.



Direct download: MSWS_Amy_H_Sturgis_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55am EST

Bobby Roberts is a former co-host & producer on Full of Sith and X-Plain the X-Men, current producer at '80s all Over with Scott Weinberg & Drew McWeeny, and current editor at alt-weekly newspaper the Portland Mercury. He can be found on Twitter @bobbyrobertspdx. He is also the creator/ruiner of classic movie and TV soundtracks at
Some portions of the interview with Bobby were not directly relevant to his Star Wars Story and were removed during the editing process. Some of this material can be found as bonus material after the closing credits.
Please join us next time when Dr. Amy H. Sturgis tells her Star Wars Story.

To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. 

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. Go to and donate. You'll get a membership kit and access to exclusive merchandise and events. Plus, Rancho Obi-Wan is a tax-deductible non-profit. Please give what you can.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_bobby_roberts_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

Karl LaClair grew up in a small town in upstate NY and has since moved to Boston where he works as a college chaplain. He continues to study the impact Star Wars can play on a person's spiritual life. He is the creator and co-host of The Wampa's Lair podcast, which is part of the Star Wars Report podcast network. You can find The Wampa's Lair on iTunes, at or follow them on twitter at wampaslair

To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. And don’t forget to join us for the next episode of My Star Wars Story, which will feature Bobby Roberts.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. Please go to Please give what you can. And remember, it’s tax deductible.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_kal_leclair_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Join Steve Glosson (Geek Out Loud!), Shazbazzar (TechnoRetro Dads), and My Star Wars Story host Scott Ryfun as they take in a screening of Rogue One and offer their insightful wit and commentary. You may never see Rogue One the same way again. Feel free to download this track, plug in your earbuds, and take it into your local theater for your next screening of Rogue One. We even include instructions for syncing the film to the podcast! Or you can listen to it as a standalone commentary, your call.


During the end credits we discuss the news (which had JUST come out as we were working on this) of the passing of Carrie Fisher.

Find the GOLiverse at

Find TechnoRetro Dads at

If you're reading this you've already found My Star Wars Story.

Send feedback to

Direct download: rogue_one_commentary_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50pm EST

Enjoy the holidays with this new take on a Christmas classic! MSWS host Scott Ryfun plays George Bailey, Doug and PB&J Otter creator Jim Jinkins plays Clarence the Angel, and Deal or No Deal winner and former Brunswick, GA Mayor Bryan Thompson plays Joseph and Mr. Potter. A very talented local Brunswick, GA cast helps bring this tale to life!

Direct download: Wonderful_Life_Friday_12_16_16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:23am EST

Alexander Gates currently lives in Honolulu, Hawaii doing a non-Star Wars related job, but is always ready to join the Lucasfilm family at a moment's notice. He's an avid podcast listener and wouldn't mind being on more. Outside of the Wars, he enjoys collecting beers on Untappd with his fellow Star Wars friend John, reviewing restaurants on Yelp with his girlfriend Kristine, and taking their dog Bagle [sounds like the breakfast food] for runs along the beach.
He's active on social media, so feel free to say aloha:
Facebook Alexander B. Gates
Instagram/Twitter @alexanderbgates
Untappd alexandergates
Yelp Alexander G. in Honolulu
He did find all the Micro Machines on Force Friday, and many more since!

To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. Because of some delays the last couple of months, look for some special bonus material to be released before the next episode, among the bonus material is my summary of the original Marvel Star Wars in Five Minutes, and a very special Christmas treat. And don’t forget to join us for the next episode of My Star Wars Story, which will feature Karl LaClair.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. It's tax deductible, too. Visit, and please give what you can.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: MSWS_Alexander_Gates_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36pm EST

Mark Newbold (@jedinews2010) is a very busy fan. One of the forces behind, he is also a contributor to Star Wars Insider Magazine as well as Build the Millennium Falcon Magazine. Mark is also the co-host of the podcast Radio 1138, and helped create the Jedi News Podcast Network. This year he helped organize the One Force Stage at Star Wars Celebration Europe.

Portions of the discussion that were not directly relevant to Mark’s Star Wars Story were removed from the podcast. Some of these segments--and it was hard to choose; our original discussion lasted four hours-- can be found as bonus material after the credits. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. And don’t forget to join us for the next episode of My Star Wars Story, which will feature Alexander Gates.

I’d also like to take a moment to ask you to give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan at and remember, it's tax deductible.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_Mark_Newbold_Final_Mixdown_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:48pm EST

Laurie Goode's story is limited to his time on Episode IV, and the convention circuit, not exactly enough material for a full episode, so voila! The first MSWS Minisode! For those of you who don't know, Laurie Goode played a stormtrooper in Episode IV back in 1976. He also just happens to have banged his head on a door while filming a scene.  Sound familiar?  It should! Laurie's even written a song about it, called "Who Was the Stormtrooper Who Banged His Head", available in the iTunes store.

Portions of the discussion that were not directly relevant to Laurie’s Star Wars Story were removed from the podcast. Some of these segments can be found as bonus material after the credits. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. And don’t forget to join us for the next full episode of My Star Wars Story, which will feature Mark Newbold.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. I’ve set up a page for donations at Please give what you can.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_laurie_goode_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:07pm EST

Devon Meyers can be found on Twitter at Red5Mom. Her blog is located at Portions of the discussion that were not directly relevant to Devon’s Star Wars Story were removed from the podcast. Some of these segments can be found as bonus material after the credits. To tell your Star Wars story, please send your contact information to and please be patient with me. This is a part-time endeavor and there is a LONG line of people who wish to be on the program. Because of some delays the last couple of months, look for some special bonus material to be released before the next episode, among the bonus material is my summary of the original Marvel Star Wars in Five Minutes, and a conversation with Laurie Goode, the Stormtrooper who hit his head. And don’t forget to join us for the next episode of My Star Wars Story, which will feature Mark Newbold.

I’d also like to take a moment to mention that I don’t plan on attempting to monetize My Star Wars Story, but If you’d like to contribute to a similar but much bigger operation—I say similar because we both have a mission of the preservation of Star Wars history—please give whatever you can to Rancho Obi-Wan. I’ve set up a page for donations at Please give what you can.

Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of Generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_devon_meyers_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:15pm EST

In addition to being Access Hollywood's Ultimate Star Wars Fan, Jason Collier is the host of the Expanded Fandomverse Podcast as well the the Star Wars Radio Drama Retrospective (on which I appear as a regular). You can find out more about both of these podcasts at .

Some elements of the conversation with Jason Collier were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store. It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Devon Meyers will share her Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Also, I've never monetized this podcast, nor do I intend to, but if you want to do me a favor, you'll join Rancho Obi-Wan. It costs just forty cash-deductible dollars per year and you get a slew of benefits with that, plus an annual membership kit and first dibs on Rancho tours. When you purchase your membership, mention me, Scott Ryfun, as the one who referred you. If enough of you join and mention me, I'll become a Rancho Recruiter. The benefits? Pretty much a t-shirt and the title of Recruiter, but I'd really like to do that. And you will benefit from it as well. Head over to to join.



Direct download: msws_jason_collier_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:49pm EST

Be the first to email the correct answers to all 21 of these questions about recent My Star Wars Story episodes to and you will win a hardcover copy of Heir to the Jedi by Kevin Hearne!


No one has yet submitted all 21 correct answers to our 21 Questions MSWS Mega Quiz! Get moving and get your answers in. The first one to send all 21 correct answers to will win a hardcover copy of Heir to the Jedi by Kevin Hearne! Here are the questions:


1.Where did Justin Bolger first see the hardcover of Heir to the Empire?

  1. What game did Riley Blanton make up as a child based on Jango Fett in Episode II?
  2. What is Teresa Delgado’s 2nd favorite Star Wars film (as of the release of her episode of MSWS)?
  3. What was the first Star Wars movie Anthony Breznican saw at the theater?
  4. What did Jimmy Mac tell his father the main villain’s name was?

6.What was the first question Paul Hermann asked George Lucas when he wrote a letter to Lucas?

  1. Where did Anthony Breznican interview Harrison Ford?
  2. What vehicle did Justin Bolger buy first from the Power of the Force 2 toy line?
  3. What was the first podcast Riley Blanton auditioned to be the co-host of?
  4. What character in The Phantom Menace struck Teresa Delgado the most?
  5. A neighborhood kid provoked young Anthony Breznican’s ire by pretending to be what Star Wars character?
  6. Who sent Paul Hermann a postcard from Dark Horse Comics?

13.What was the first podcast Justin Bolger heard?

  1. What was Riley Blanton’s podcast forerunner to the Star Wars Report?
  2. How many chapters of Heir to the Empire did Paul Hermann read for a book report?
  3. What is the name of Teresa Delgado’s blog?
  4. Where did Paul Hermann first see Heir to the Empire?
  5. Jimmy Mac’s first Star Wars collectible was a Wonder Bread insert. What character was on that card?
  6. With whom did Anthony Breznican first watch the original TFA teaser?
  7. What collectible do Jimmy Mac and his brother still fight about?
  8. Who was the first female Star Wars character Paul Hermann could relate to?
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm EST

Paul Hermann appears on both The Forcecast and Star Wars With Friends. He can be found on twitter @Hermann22.


Some elements of the conversation with Paul Hermann were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store. It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Jason Collier will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Special thanks to Ryan Shaw.

Also, I've been doing this podcast completely at my own expense for a year and  a half now, and I've decided I want something for it. No, I don't want money. The best I'll get is a t-shirt. See, I've decided I want to be a Rancho Recruiter! All you have to do is go to and become a supporter, mentioning that Scott Ryfun referred you.  It's only $40 a year, and you get exclusive access to tour tickets at Ranch Obi-Wan, as well as exclusive merchandise, not to mention a super-cool membership kit and a creative Christmas card! Your contribution will go towards maintaining the world's largest Star Wars collection and the museum that houses it.  You also help cover the expense of providing free tours to schools and other special groups, plus you'll help fund charitable tour giveaways and auction items.  Plus, you'll be helping preserve a record of one of the most transformative pop culture phenomena ever.

And did I mention it's tax deductible?  It sure is!  Look, I'm not asking you to do anything I haven't done myself. Please go and become a member of Rancho Obi-Wan today by going to and registering. And if you don't want me to get the t-shirt, that's fine.  Please become a member anyway. You won't regret it.



Direct download: msws_phermann_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

Well, we thought we'd be the first to do it, but it didn't work out that way. Steve Glosson and Scott Ryfun have put together the internet's SECOND Force Awakens commentary track.  It's fun, it's funny, it's insightful. Enjoy! Take it with you to the theater listen in your earbuds!


To leave feedback, email,,

Direct download: MSWS_TFA_Commentary_revised_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

We take a break from presenting the galaxy's Star Wars stories to give you this holiday presentation from the Ritz Radio Theatre.

Direct download: A_CHristmas_Story_Mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:57am EST

Entertainment Weekly Senior Writer Anthony Breznican has been covering the Star Wars beat throughout the making of The Force Awakens. Here, he tells his Star Wars Story, from his time as a child to the way Star Wars brought him closer to his brother as an adult during a difficult family time.  As Star Wars fans, @Breznican will be a part of our lives for a long time to come, so it's time you got to know him. Anthony Breznican is also the author of the critically-praised novel Brutal Youth. Find out more about his latest projects at


Some elements of the conversation with Anthony Breznican were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store. It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Paul Hermann will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars


Direct download: msws_anthony_breznican_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:57pm EST

Jimmy Mac is one of the hosts of RebelForce Radio and its family of podcasts on the Shotglass Digital Network. In addition to being a prolific podcaster and radio producer, Jimmy is one of the leading voices in Star Wars fandom today. He can be found online @RebelForceRadio.


Some elements of the conversation with Jimmy Mac were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store. It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Anthony Breznican (@breznican) will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_jimmy_mac_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10pm EST

Teresa Delgado. Blogger. Ubiquitous podcaster. Star Wars maniac. The latest victim of My Star Wars Story.

In addition to being an Ewok-loving female voice in fandom, Teresa Delgado is the co-host of the podcasts Fangirls Going Rogue, Star Wars Bookworms, Disney Vault Talk, and Star Wars Rebel Yell. She also writes for and her own blog fangirl next


Some elements of the conversation with Teresa Delgado were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store. It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Ryder Waldron will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_teresa_delgado_fixed_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm EST

Get ready for this one! One of the things that interests people is all the places people's Star Wars stories are the same and where they're different.  Riley Blanton's story is about as different a Star Wars Story as we've ever heard. Like last episode's Justin Bolger, Riley was raised overseas, but Riley lived in Pakistan.It's strange, it's funny, it's touching!  It's Riley Blanton's Star Wars Story!

Direct download: msws_riley_blanton_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07am EST

Justin Bolger has an interesting and analytical mind. His story starts in Germany and comes back to the States. I KNOW you'll enoy it. Justin Bolger is the host of the podcasts Star Wars with Friends and DEAD Talk. He also runs the website


Some elements of the conversation with Justin Bolger were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Ryder Waldron will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_Episode_13_Justin_Bolger_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48pm EST

In addition to being a DDS, Ryder Waldron is a podcaster and blogger.  He is the co-host of the Idiot's Array podcast, he is also a bogger for and

Some elements of the conversation with RYder Waldron were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.

AND! In a strange coincidence, Marvin Dog Media's Bantha Banter also features Ryder Waldron. Both podcasts explore different aspects of Ryder's fandom and if you enjoy one episode, you'll enjoy the other! Find that episode <a href="">here</a>

To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Justin Bolger will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.


Direct download: msws_rwaldron_final_mix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Think you know everything about world-renowned megafan Steve Sasweet?  Think again!

Steve Sansweet is the author of nearly 20 books on the subject of Star Wars and is the CEO of Rancho Obi-Wan, owner of the Guinness-certified world’s largest Star Wars collection and museum. TO help support Rancho Obi Wan, you can make a tax deductible donation to You’re also invited to join the discussion on Rancho Obi-Wan’s Facebook page at


Some elements of the conversation with Steve Sansweet were not directly relevant to his Star Wars story and were edited from the podcast. Some of the more interesting segments that were removed are included after the credits as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Ryder Waldron will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_sansweet_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58pm EST

Joseph Tavano runs the pop culture website He is also the co-host of Brews and Blasters, a weekly Star Wars podcast.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Joseph Tavano will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: Episode_10_jtavano_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50pm EST

John Jackson Miller is the author of the recent Star Wars novel A New Dawn--the behind the scenes essay for which you can find at well as the recent Star Trek The Next Generation novel Takedown and his original work Overdraft: The Orion Offensive. He also has a story in an upcoming issue of Star Wars Insider.  You can find John Jackson Miller’s comics history research at . Several sections of my discussion with John Jackson Miller strayed a bit from his Star Wars Story, so they were removed.  However, as some of them were quite informative and entertaining, several of them can be found as bonus material at the end of this program.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Joseph Tavano will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_jjm_final_mix_rev.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:08pm EST

Podcasters, feel free to add this to any promotional avail avails you have.  Thanks!

Direct download: msws_promo_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02pm EST

For this episode of MSWS, we travel across the pond to find out what OT mania was like from someone who lived through it.  And how exactly did Return of the Jedi cause young Andrew Leyland to be detained by Aiperport Security? You'll find out in this episode of My Star Wars Story.

Andrew Leyland is the co-host of the Hey Kids, Comics Podcast as well as the Palace of Glittering Delights podcast, both available at http:\\

To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when author John Jackson Miller will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.


Special Thanks to Ryan Shaw.


Direct download: msws_aleyland_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16pm EST

Consetta Parker is the head of Parker Publicity which can be found on the web at  She is also on the board of Rancho Obi-Wan, which can be found on the web at  Follow Consetta Parker on Twitter @ParkerPublicist.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next time when Andrew Leyland will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.


Special Thanks to Ryan Shaw


Direct download: MSWS_Consetta_Parker_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:06pm EST

Tom Panarese is the host of Pop Culture Affidavit and In Country, both a part of the two true freaks network.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us Next month, when Consetta Parker will share her Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_tompanarese_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:04pm EST

Recorded live on stage at the Ritz Theatre in beautiful downtown Brunswick, GA, It's a Wonderful Life is a holiday classic for the ages.  Adapted for radio and featuring a cast of talented actors and sound effect techniscians, let one of the best-loved Christmas stories of all-time, unfold right before your ears!


And yes, that's me as George Bailey/Augustus Slattery.  Jim Jinkins, the guy who created Disney's Doug and PB&J Otter? He's Clarence.  And Bryan Thompson, former Brunswick, GA, mayor and big winner on Deal or No Deal as Joseph and Mr. Potter.


I know it's not Star Wars, but it's one of the many things I've been working on over the last several months, and one of the big reasons MSWS has been a monthly to this point, so enjoy!

And Merry Christmas to you all! 

Direct download: wonderful121414_edit.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:49pm EST

David Michelinie is the Creator of Venom and Shira Brie, among many other famous and infamous comics characters.  His creation The Bozz Chronicles will soon be reissued in a new collected edition and is currently available for pre-order. During the course of the discussion with David Michelinie, I was prone to the occasional geek-out that wasn’t germane to the conversation at hand.  I will be sharing some of those moments at the end of this podcast as bonus material.


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us Next month, when Tom Panarese tell his Star Wars Story, and in February, Consetta Parker will share her Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: MSWS_David_Michelinie_final_mix.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

Matt Hunsworth is one of the four co-hosts of the Star Wars in Character podcast, one of many podcasts distributed through The 2014 Artmor Project Auction will be held Sunday December 7th at 6:10pm Eastern and will be hosted live at  For more information visit


To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next month when Marvel Comics Star Wars writer David Michelinie will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: msws_mhunsworth.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46pm EST

This episode features a rollicking conversation with podcaster and superfan Steve Glosson. Steve is the host of the family of Geek Out Loud Podcasts distributed by Shotglass digital and available in the iTunes store or at Our discussion with Steve was recorded live at Loco’s Deli and Pub on St. Simons Island Georgia.  Several segments from our conversation were cut because they strayed from Steve’s Star Wars Story. However, they were an interesting and robust Star Wars discussion and some of those moments are included as bonus material at the end of this episode.  To tell your Star Wars Story, email your contact information to Like My Star Wars Story on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If you liked My Star Wars Story, please be sure to leave a review in the iTunes store.  It will help more people find the podcast. Please join us next month when Matt Hunsworth of Star Wars in Character Shares his Star Wars Story. IN December for Marvel Comics Star Wars writer David Michelinie will share his Star Wars Story. Thank you for listening to My Star Wars Story and thank you for being a part of generation Star Wars.

Direct download: MSWS_Episode_3_Steve_Glosson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:01pm EST

I've been sitting on this one for over a month, waiting for the appropriate date to put it out. MSWS is a monthly podcast for now, so I have to pace myself, but I've been dying to share this one, so here goes!

Scott Gardner is the co-founder of the Two True Freaks internet radio network.  You can find their massive array of shows at


My Star Wars Story is a podcast project that will attempt to chronicle the experiences of the Star Wars generation and its effect on their lives.

To share your Star Wars story, email 

Direct download: MSWS_Episode_2_Scott_Gardner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST

Episode 1-Ryan Shaw

In the premiere episode of My Stary Wars Story, podcaster, toothmaker, and pioneering Star Wars custom action figure sculptor Ryan Shaw (Dinner 4 Geeks) shares his Star Wars story.


If you'd like to tell YOUR Star Wars Story, please email us at . The podcast is currently planned to be a monthly, so please be patient as we get back with you.

Direct download: MSWS_Episode_1_Ryan_Shaw.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EST